Split Air Conditioner Pump Down Process

Split Air Conditioner Pump Down Process

31 Responses to Split Air Conditioner Pump Down Process

  1. sasto says:


  2. syaiful says:

    pump down bwt AC dan refrigerator di kapal gmn caranya…jelasin dgn gambar yaa…brother…

    maakasih sebelumnya…

    • Hermawan says:

      Terima kasih mas Syaiful,
      untuk teknik pump down di kapal sama saja, yaitu menutup saluran keluaran diantara kondenser dan Katup expansinya. Pastikan juga setting LPC diatur sedikit diatas 0 psig (misalnya 3 psig). Setelah itu tutup (fully closed) suction valvenya

  3. alfred doublet says:

    the site looks very good but i am very sorry that i don’t understand the language. i only understand English. thank you

    • Hermawan says:

      Hi Alfred,
      Actually I want to make it in English, but too much site talking about HVACR in english and less in our language. So I decide to make it in Indonesian language.


  4. i will like to learn more about pump down process

  5. allcool says:

    good explanation with well illustrated image. thanks for sharing

  6. pls.write it in english the step by step in pump down process.thank you

  7. zayar says:

    pls.write it in english the step by step in pump down process.thank you

  8. edgar mundea says:

    how to use a gauge when pumpindown pliz advise?

    • Hermawan says:

      if the system is not leaking: observe the gauge needle, then when the needle down to vacuum, turn the gas (suction) shut-off valve closed. But if the leak found in the system (indoor side) ensure to close the gas shut-off valve while the pressure slightly above atmospheric pressure.

  9. Paljor says:

    I need to relocate my panasonic cube split a.c. How can I remove without losing the gas?
    I shall appreciate the call.

  10. johnloyd007 says:

    Nice image to know about split air conditioner. I want to see more detailed post here. I installed Goodman split last month by:

  11. Kevin says:

    This is why I like the Mitsubishi Mr Slim line as they have an option to pump down using the outdoor unit. They actual build it into the programming. http://centralheatingontario.com/air-conditioners-heat-pumps

  12. An air conditioner is a very tough piece of equipment. It is engineered to withstand all sorts of abuse and keep on running. This is great in most respects, but it can lead to complacency about maintenance. Like a car, air conditioners need regular tune-ups to run properly.

  13. Emilyavictor says:

    This image gives full detail about the feature and functioning system of the split air conditioner. Well it helps me a lot to learn more about the refrigerating system. I am found of thing like this which helps to improve the knowledge and make the information up to date.

  14. samsuddin says:

    pak kalau di malaysia ada gak sapa2 yg saya bisa hubungi….terima kasih.

  15. Saiyed jafar says:

    Your site is very good ,but it is not in English.Please arrange in English and eccept thanks in advance.

  16. Lamhot sihombing says:

    salam kenal mas herman,15bar itu berapa psig,ngimana cara hitungnya soalnya hanya psig aja taunya thx.

  17. malam mas herman,mas mau nanya nih kalo software buat gambar kompresor beserta jalur pipanya dan aksesorisnya nama softwarenya apa ya mas..?matur nuwun

  18. Yogi says:

    Terima kasih pak hermawan atas penjelasannya. Selama ini tahunya proses pumpdown diawali dengan menghidupkan kompresor terlebih dahulu.

  19. Yogi says:

    Makasih banyak pak. Sukses dunia akhirat.. 🙂

  20. benjamin absalon says:

    good Ilustration and explanation or answers to all inquiry,my question if you will permit is that is it possible to pump down the ac unit with R410a considering much pressure will occur in condenser unit with closed condenser shut off valve.thank you

    • Hermawan says:

      Do the same procedure for R-410A. While pump down process, the condensing pressure is lower than it run in the normal cycle.

  21. benjamin absalon says:

    thank you your blog is big help for person like me who with lot of dout

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